Misra C 2012 Download [WORK] Pdf
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For the C language, we use the MISRA C rule (MISRA C:2004), which is the previous version of MISRA C:2012. We have found that MISRA C:2004 is still widely used for safety-critical software in some industries.
For Python and JavaScript, the MISRA rule (MISRA 2012; 2012) is the most relevant for our work. This rule was developed in order to minimize the number of programming errors and to increase the robustness of programs.
For C++, we use the MISRA C++ rule (Horn et al. 2002; Horn 2005), which is the C++ counterpart to MISRA C, which was initially developed by MISRA C for C. The C++ rule is important for software safety and security due to the wide use of the language in safety-critical systems.
We have selected the following open source static analysis tools for our study: the SandBox2 (Unagi et al. 2010; 2016; 2017), Splint (Splint 2019), and VAST (Sinnen et al. 2017; 2017). The SandBox2 tool is very popular for C and C++ code quality checkers. It is a static analysis tool that detects patterns of programming errors such as buffer overflow, integer overflow, integer division by zero, and null pointer dereference. It is open source, free for academic and commercial use, and distributed under the GNU General Public License.
In terms of exploiting software vulnerabilities, the most popular tool for that purpose is the web application vulnerability scanner. Several vendors offer a wide range of vulnerability scanners. Most of them are quite expensive and have a steep learning curve. Automated vulnerability scanners can be classified into two categories: static analysis and dynamic analysis (Crawford 2010). Automated static analysis tools are used to find vulnerabilities in the source code of a program using a formal specification (i.e., a set of conditions). The specification is based on the features of a program that can be exploited. The main goal of static analysis is to detect program anomalies and bugs in source code. In addition, static analysis is applicable in most languages including C, C++, Java, and JavaScript.
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