Team Fortress Classic Download !!TOP!! Unblocked
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TFC is from the people that brought you Half-Life: Valve and Sierra. The original Team Fortress is a modification or "mod" to Quake 1 and was released in August, 1996. TF broke away from the traditional "frag fests" and introduced a new team-play aspect. With the addition of new scenarios and character classes, TF quickly became a hit within the Quake community. TF still has several web sites dedicated to it, even after all this time, and the latest version (2.8) was just recently released. TFC, however, is an odd sort of add-on pack that has not taken the usual route to the gaming world. While endorsed and promoted by the publishers, one does not have to buy it in the usual manner. It can be freely downloaded as a patch for Half-Life. Is it any good, or does it quickly get mired down in the tired world of DM ad nauseum?
In that period from 1996 to [2004 when Steam shipped], as a mod maker, your biggest problem was, fundamentally, distribution. You could make a really good game, but you didn't have a good way to get it to customers in a way where they could give you money in return. You could put it online and people could download it, but if you decided you wanted to sell it, there wasn't an opportunity for you. There was this narrow window we went through.
Each game is available ready to download and play right now on Steam, including: Half-Life, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, Half-Life 2: Episode 2, Half-Life: Opposing Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift & Team Fortress Classic 2b1af7f3a8