I like what I'm seeing so far. I think he's going to help Obi the most on the court and be a mentor for Quickley. I also think he's going to provide a consistent threat down the stretch of games, which is when we need the production. I've also been impressed with his defense. Its evident how much he's grown as a player, he's a calm and collected veteran presence. Overall, excellent job by the Knicks

Rose has brought stability to the second unit. He is going to bring the dog out of IQ and Obi, Thibs knew what he wanted from Rose prior to Rose even putting on that number 4 jersey. Rose is a beast over the last two years or so you van tell he is just enjoying the game of basketball. When he was with the Knicks the first time he was not looking to move, he did not want to be traded, he was playing for his home town. I still remember the video of him crying when BJ Armstrong told him the trade was completed. Rose was broken hearted. I believe now he is aware that the game is a gift and he is happy to be in New York and helping Thibs breathe life back into the Mecca and that alone will add to Rose's legacy. I like what they have done to develop this team. NEW YORK has been competitive Randle is making a move toward Allstar consideration and that is more than what most critics gave Thibs and his staff credit for. The Knicks now require a wing who is a true 3 and D player. Bullock does not fit the mold. It can be a lateral move that could add a young player along with Bullock or Rivers.
I'm intrigued
Rose is playing the role that we were told Elfryd Payton is. “Veteran Leadership” is a term i heard alot with Payton, but its hard to elevate those around you if your play is not up to par. Plus, Rose has cache, young players loved him in Chicago, only 31, so guys like Obi and IQ, they sure look thrilled to say they played with D Rose. Remember, IQ went to Lou Will to show love. Rose is everything the Knicks were looking for from Game 1 this season.
Yessir Obi is looking better and knows Rose is keeping an eye out to pass in the right spots to him which is a nice change
Great great pickup. Not rushing to start him at all. Knicks will benefit more having him come off the bench with IQ and Obi. And keep him under 25 minutes to preserve his longevity.
I was in agreement for this trade. A bit worried on how they were planning on using him but glad they have him playing with Obi and Quickley he’s gonna help those 2 get better.